Tuesday, October 26, 2004

breaking the habit

I got to drive yesterday. On the farm we were out in their fields and I got to drive the work truck, a huge dodge ram. I may get to drive again today seeing that we are going to be outside again, this time weighing cows. Fun huh? Not really but it is a lot better compared to being inside weighing soil :P
I had my first bout of real homesickness on Sunday. I was not great all day and then in the evening my host father was a real jerk to me after I had been using the phone to call home (my mom's birthday of course I want to talk to her!) and when I was done he only used it for a few minutes. Grr. It's not like home where I could just tell them what I think either, I am too nice.
I just miss home too, the familiar and the friends. I have never cried in public so much as the last few weeks. I have no where else to email and I keep crying in the public library and at work, people must think I am nuts, hehe. I love you all, you know who you are - basically everyone who reads this, lol!
By the way, my messenger name does not mean Lacombe is perfect so much as it means they are in a bubble here, like Pleasantville had no color and we are the ones who were sucked into the television....


At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well joy it sounds like your having some fun ,besides being homesick.Dont worry your not missing much on pei either its just same old shit different day.I did my blog again today too Bye JoyTheBoy TOPHER


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