Wednesday, September 27, 2006

deeper than beauty

If coolness can rub off on a person, then I think that must be why today I feel so cool. Not only did Jill win tickets from K-Rock to see Sloan at the Wave last night, but after the show was over, I was bold (read: tipsy) enough to head over to the lead singer when I saw him standing in the crowd. Of course we were polite and witty as Jill and I always are, and so a band member invited us back to the tour bus for a little after party.
Alright. I know what you are all thinking. Rock stars + bus = trouble. But we headed out there anyway, cause honestly, how many times are you invited on a tour bus?! And it was a great time. Not only did we get to see what goes on after the show for the band, I got to dance with the lead singer Chris Murphy (he led) who sang along to the music as we did. Then we had fun singing to Abba of all things while dancing in a circle gazing up at ourselves in the ceiling mirror.
The thing that makes this all truly surreal is that the guys were very nice and down to earth. Of course there were the jokes about having 2 sisters on the bus, but we also talked about Napoleon Dynamite, Chris' dad's hip surgery and home (if you didn't know, Chris was born on the Island but grew up in Nova Scotia). I couldn't have imagined we would have such a great time, but we definitely did.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


It seems that I haven't written in a very long time. That is not unusual. I cannot seem to, as my grade 7 teacher Mr. Campbell would say, wrap my head around writing here right now. I could go on about our crazy summer antics and how much fun it was. Because it was.
I would rather focus on the here and now, and on what is to come. That is not usually the case with me, but for the moment, it is my state of mind. Perhaps it is the fact that school began yesterday. My last semester at UPEI. Maybe forever. Or it could be that I talked to my friend Lara about how exciting and great living in Calgary is, and hopefully will be, for me in only a few short months. Also, it could be my denial that anything has truly changed. I did see Leigh-Ann today by webcam afterall. Two hours isn't that far really, right?! And I will see her again for real in less than a month.
Nevertheless, I know I will miss the beach, my friends who have left, and the laughs. But there will be more and I don't want to miss them by looking back. Besides, it is 2003.. I mean 2006 and I am getting with the times finally by getting a cell phone. Change is not so bad it seems.

This picture by the way, is one that I found on a cool website called I don't know too much about it, but the drawings are pretty neat and insightful.