I made it. It was a long and unique journey here, but I ended up enjoying it. We arrived in Capetown and got to stay for three days, the first of which I slept through since we only got in in the evening. Then we got to go look around the city. It is amazing that there is so much poverty right in the middle of this beautiful place. And some of our girls are from these areas themselves which is even more amazing to me. There is so much to tell and I wish I could write here for hours, but that would cost a zillion Rand, so I can't. I can tell you that today while walking around Bredasdorp a tiny preying mantis got stuck in my hair, it was cute. I am enjoying my time here, it already seems like it will go very fast. I have a sunburn already and we are heading to the beach in a bit, but they are so beautiful I don't mind. I got to jump the waves in the Indian Ocean yesterday, it was awesome. I love you all. I hope you are all safe and happy too.
By the way, this is Deidre's cell phone number just in case: 011-27-726-953830. I will get the address here asap so you can all write to me too :)