until tomorrow the whole world is my home
First thing is first. I want to send a shout-out to my bro across the water who doesn't think that either Jill or I update nearly often enough. I hate to disappoint my audience. Ha. Hope you are doing alright without the wife. No surfing.. or just be really, really careful.
What I wouldn't give to be surfing right now. That is, if I knew how. I feel restless and impatient with my life right now. That is definitely not my usual summer attitude. I love summer. Perhaps it is the knowledge that soon I will be finished University and finally have the chance to explore the world around me. I know there are high's and low's whether you are living here at home or in a place you consider to be paradise. I know that in many ways this is my paradise, but at the same time, in many ways it is not.
I am befuddled. And entertained by that word... Okay.. I am writing this now when I am drinking. Much fun. Sitting around with friends, laughing about summers past. I was feeling down the other day, but summer is finally bringing its good cheer my way. Oh yeah, and I'm listening to stories while I write this. Matt just said him and Corinne are like siamese twins - since they are joined at the heart. Aww.
This was my most random post yet, but I hope ya'll enjoy it to the max! Here are some random pictures as well for your viewing pleasure:

bleeding hearts

jasper.. stretching in the sunlight


tim and i .. funny faces