Tuesday, February 22, 2005

time of your life

The time of my life right now is gearing up for CapeTown, discussions are already underway. But before that is Elim and Sandberg where this guy who looks like the evil twin of Willem Defoe wants us to help him out on his own little nature reserve. I am sure this will include, like De Hoop, more alien tree cutting which will hopefully whip me more into shape. The meat here is a little overwhelming, especially considering how they keep all the fat (eww) on it!

So I would ponder a guess that this will be my last Bredasdorp posting since we are only here for 4 more full days. It blows my mind to think of it. Our goodbye party for the community is on Tuesday night with a less formal tea for the group in the afternoon at Auntie Joey's house (Lara and Fredre's host). It's all so exciting and slightly nerve racking....


At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Joy, your days there are getting numbered! I got your letter like the next day after you asked me if I received it (when we chatted last monday). Thanks for the birthday card, and the letter was great. Try to let me know when you're going to be getting in the day you arrive home...you never know, I may show up at the airport!! Anyway, have a great next couple of weeks, and we'll see you when you get back on the Island. Love ya, Laura

At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Joy, your days there are getting numbered! I got your letter like the next day after you asked me if I received it (when we chatted last monday). Thanks for the birthday card, and the letter was great. Try to let me know when you're going to be getting in the day you arrive home...you never know, I may show up at the airport!! Anyway, have a great next couple of weeks, and we'll see you when you get back on the Island. Love ya, Laura

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish i could say i was having the time you are. I'm sitting in a computer lab in the dungeon of Head Hall studying for a Concrete Design, MIDTERM. hehe. Listen, don't you worry about how the time is winding down there, cause it will ruin the final days. "Life happens, while your making plans"---John Lennon.
Keep taking lots of pictures, meet new people and have a blast. I'm so proud of you and the work your doing.
See ya dude


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