Monday, September 26, 2005

you wouldn't like me

We hosted Chris' going away party saturday night. Many people showed up and I think everyone had a good time. There were speeches, Chris fell down the stairs, Howard caught a bird and brought him in the apartment, only to have it taken away by Glenn! Matt Clarey did some weird trick, making him seem like a clown car for beer, and I realised we actually look a lot alike... I was snap happy and so the pics online, good and bad. Most bad, but it's fun anyway.

People will need the password for the link, it is "pictures" to make it easy. And in case you don't know, my sign in name is my email:

Thursday, September 22, 2005

feels good do it

I am back at school now with all history courses this semester. It am actually quite enjoying it, but for the work that is ;)
Tonight is one of my favorite classes. It is taught by Professor Weale who I enjoy just sitting and listening to whatever stories he has to tell. They always make you think. And he has this kind of theory, he talks of "thin moments" which I find hard to explain but essentially they are moments where you feel everything is right or pure. It may feel like a spiritual moment, or as Weale likes to describe it, like when you have knocked back a few. Nonetheless, I know what he means, drunk and no. It is not a scholarly theory, but a theory on life. The more of these moments you can expeience, the better you can live your life.

If you get nothing from this post, I am sorry. I am no storyteller myself, but it makes sense to me. I have enjoyed these thin moments myself on occasion, most of all at Arniston beach near the end of the world where I was alone, but felt everything would be okay from that moment. The feeling comes and goes.

And right now I am watching the tape of "Lost " we recorded. I have no idea where in the world it could be taking us, but it is one hell of a ride.

Okay, so this is a while later, I am home from seeing Sloan. It was unreal. They are quite the entertainers and I love their music. However, our time was nearly ruined due to the moronic actions of a few people. They threw their beer cups, empty and full at the lead singer. It was really embarassing and disappointing since this is the way they will remember their time back on PEI. I appreciate that they looked past that one persons actions and didn't take it out on the rest of us. I love Sloan dude. Rock on.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

start me up

The Rolling Stones seem ageless. Mick can still shake it at 62 years old and doesn't seem to be slowing down. They put on quite a show. It was also fantastic to see Our Lady Peace, and The Hip rule! No, no they did not play "New Orleans is Sinking" they were respectful and played a lot of their other great songs. Being security was not really pleasant but it gave us a great spot to watch the show. And a chance to see Mick's kids up close was pretty cool too. Enjoy the pictures from my link below. I snuck in the camera and took some pictures which I obviously wasn't supposed to do, but hey I'm a badass ;)