since when did it matter where the outside world fit in?
When you are in deep trouble, say nothing,
and try to look like you know what you're doing.
This was a cute email, but it made me think:
Judgement is often the main reason that everyone is so obsessed with their ego. It's all about who you hang out with and what they do and how pretty they are or aren't. I am guilty as much as everyone in judging people at first sight, but it is sickening to think that this is really the basis for what people think the person is actually like. I always do my best to give people the benefit of the doubt. They may not appeal to me at first but some shining quality may come through and they could be such a great person in the end. This is not to say everyone is a saint, but I think there is good in everyone, and it should be our job to seek out the best in people. Then we may help them figure out that their not so great qualities can be changed or improved upon. That, I suppose, is my mission statement in life.
I do however reserve the right not to apply this reasoning to one person, most everyone knows who this would be, and I have been put down too much by this person to even consider being nice back. Too bad this post had to end on a bad note, but he called and put me down for the final time.